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Pronounced "Anti" + "State"-"ism"
The foundation of Voluntaryism.

Applying the Principles of Self-Ownership.
Never suppressing your Conscience.

Referenced from Slides 211, 281-282, 380, 385, 437-442, 445-449 of Health Revealed:

What is Anti-Statism?

Anti-Statism consists of non-violent solutions or solutions which dispose of violence by the state (i.e. statism, democide, slavery, war, capture), which includes but is not limited to, mass-scale approaches such as Civil Disobedience (i.e. just saying "no," nonviolent resistance), ideological approaches such as Voluntaryism (i.e. Abolitionism, live and let live, Natural Moral Law, the Golden Rule, Non-Aggression), or Agorism, economic and self-reliance approaches such as Permaculture (Grow Food, Not Lawns) or Counter-Economics, therapeutic approaches such as Somatherapy or Gestalt Therapy, or individualistic approaches such as Unschooling, Radical Honesty, the Socratic Method (i.e. Dialogical Methods, Moral Suasion or Moral Education), the voluntary application of Spirituality and Self-Defense.

Psychological Insights for a Voluntary, Anti-Statist or Free World

“As a corollary to the proposition that all institutions must be subordinated to the law of equal freedom, we cannot choose but admit the right of the citizen to adopt a condition of voluntary outlawry. If every man has freedom to do all that he wills, provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man, then he is free to drop connection with the State,—to relinquish its protection and to refuse paying towards its support. It is self-evident that in so behaving he in no way trenches upon the liberty of others; for his position is a passive one, and, whilst passive, he cannot become an aggressor... Not only does magisterial power exist because of evil, but it exists by evil. Violence is employed to maintain it; and all violence involves criminality.”

— Herbert Spencer, Psychologist


Abraham Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs" Chart

​“[Paul] Goodman (1966/1979, p. 176) pointed out that what he called the 'anarchist principle,' which holds 'that valuable behavior occurs only by the free and direct response of individuals or voluntary groups to the conditions presented by the historical environment,' is 'a social-psychological hypothesis with obvious political implications'... [Abraham] Maslow (1971) too approved of the anarchist emphasis on an ecological relationship with nature, its stress on decentralization, local autonomy, and personal responsibility, and its mistrust of force, large organizations, and large accumulations of power. Deploring the fact that 'most intellectuals know little or nothing about philosophical anarchism' (p. 207), he went on to identify anarchy as the level of organization in politics and economics for those who have 'transcended' self-actualization (p. 275-276).​.. [In “The Farther Reaches of Human Nature,” Maslow discussed the idea of a decentralized and anarchic society, emphasizing local autonomy, personal responsibility, and a mistrust of large organizations. He believed that a society could be voluntary, productive and ethical.] Many anthropologists have contended that the small egalitarian anarchy is 'the oldest type of polity and one which has characterized most of human history' (Barclay, 1982, p. 12; see also Fried, 1967, and Taylor, 1982). In contrast to the popular Hobbesian tone of much current thought, Barclay noted that 'clearly, the anthropological record does not support Hobbes in any way. Stateless societies seem less violent and brutish than those with the state' (1982, p. 28; see also Orbell & Rutherford, 1973)... Refusing to consider anarchist perspectives and failing to question our own basic assumptions may ultimately lead to tragedies that could otherwise be avoided.”

— Dennis Fox, Psychologist​​​​​


Thomas Szasz, a psychiatrist and author, places the development of the therapeutic state within a historical context, comparing it to other forms of social control. He draws parallels between modern psychiatric practices and historical events like the witch hunts and the Inquisition. This comparison highlights how societies have always used various means to control and suppress dissenting individuals. He advocates for the abolition of involuntary psychiatric treatment and the recognition of individuals’ rights to refuse treatment. Szasz also calls for a reevaluation of the concept of mental illness and a shift towards viewing individuals as responsible agents rather than patients. Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D. in her book "Healing Our World" cites over 1,000 studies illustrating how libertarian principles have worked in real-world scenarios to improve lives and improve healthcare.

Example of How Practitioners can Address Statism

1) Becoming aware of the stress of “Statism” is not at all dissimilar to uncovering an abusive spouse or family member, or even the habitual pattern of turning on the news and taking on continual stimulation to stress. Once the stress caused by the State is recognized for what it is - duress caused by some degree of uncertainty or even terror of the State - a knowing doctor can recommend an approach of limiting the stress and seeking therapy.


2) Therapy should focus on reducing and remediating fear & trauma.


3) Since “Statism” is so common and not likely to become an official DSM label, we can bypass all of the above easily, by keeping therapy directed at it in a “personal improvement” category. In other words, one does not get diagnosed with “Statism” or even know they had such a mindset, until after they have safely overcome it, and can now look back on their earlier state of mind as a comparison.


4) Become an educator, focused on empowering others to lead themselves and recognize psychological manipulation or ego.

Past Therapies for Statism

Past therapies pushed the person to “confess” and “admit need for change.” Taken to extremes, it may be perceived as the “secret” of secret societies. However, the empowerment goes to the group - even though the individual overcomes fear by overcoming fear of confession and bonding with their group over it. Alcoholics Anonymous, Catholic Confession (taken to extremes in the Jesuit groups), Scientology confession, Erhard Seminars Training and other “spiritual bootcamps” - all these have built powerful, fearless memberships which show that potentially one can achieve that level of release from the bondage of Statism needed to empower the individual to challenge the State. These are the only known, past successful therapies outside military trauma bonding, that tend to empower the individual before the might of the State.

"The mass man grants the individual a right to exist only in so far as the individual is a function of the State. The believer, on the other hand, while admitting that the State has a moral and factual claim, confesses to the belief that not only man but the State that rules him is subject to the over-lordship of 'God' and that, in case of doubt, the supreme decision will be made by God and not by the State... You can take away a man’s gods, but only to give him others in return. The leaders of the mass State cannot avoid being deified, and wherever crudities of this kind have not yet been put over by force, obsessive factors arise in their stead, charged with demonic energy – for instance, money, work, political influence, and so forth. When any natural human function gets lost, i.e., is denied conscious and intentional expression, a general disturbance results."

— Carl Jung, Psychologist

What is Voluntaryism?

​From the Etymological dictionary, it is the principal of using voluntary action rather than coercion (in politics, religion, etc.). "Voluntary" comes from Latin voluntarius "willing, of one's free will," related to "consent" which means to "agree, give assent; yield when one has the right, power, or will to oppose." From, Voluntaryism is the doctrine that relations among people should be by mutual consent, or not at all. It includes the advocacy of non-political and non-violent strategies to achieve a free society, rejecting electoral politics, in theory and in practice, as incompatible with moral principles. Governments must cloak their actions in an aura of moral legitimacy through Statism in order to sustain their power, and political methods invariably strengthen that legitimacy. 


Self-determinism and personal responsibility is actually the only guarantee of sane and rational conduct. It is the external influence of Statism on the mind that prevents people thinking for themselves, and thus exercising the mind in its full, innate capacity to come up with solutions. The only alternative is Voluntaryism by which we deal not as collectives, but as individuals. The only way to form governments that don’t descend into autocracy, oligarchy, and tyranny is to make them voluntary.

"It is small wonder that individual judgment grows increasingly uncertain of itself and that responsibility is collectivized as much as possible, i.e., is shuffled off by the individual and delegated to a corporate body. In this way the individual becomes more and more a function of society, which in its turn usurps the function of the real-life carrier, whereas, in actual fact, society is nothing more than an abstract idea like the State. Both are hypostatized, that is, have become autonomous. The State in particular is turned into a quasi-animate personality from whom everything is expected. In reality it is only a camouflage for those individuals who know how to manipulate it. Thus, the constitutional State drifts into the situation of a primitive form of society, namely, the communism of a primitive tribe where everybody is subject to the autocratic rule of a chief or an oligarchy."

— Carl Jung, Psychologist



The Five Questions on Statism


Referenced from Author and Screenwriter Larken Rose

1) Is there any means by which any number of individuals can delegate to someone else the moral right to do something which none of the individuals have the moral right to do themselves?

2) Do those who wield political power (presidents, legislators, etc.) have the moral right to do things which other people do not have the moral right to do? If so, from whom and how did they acquire such a right?


3) Is there any process (e.g., constitutions, elections, legislation) by which human beings can transform an immoral act into a moral act (without changing the act itself)?


4) When law-makers and law-enforcers use coercion and force in the name of law and government, do they bear the same responsibility for their actions that any-one else would who did the same thing on his own?


5) When there is a conflict between an individual's own moral conscience, and the commands of a political authority, is the individual morally obligated to do what he personally views as wrong in order to "obey the law"?


Comparing Voluntaryism with Statism

Referenced from 19th Century Abolitionist Adin Ballou

Moral Power (Voluntaryism): Influence that operates on human affections, passions, reason, and moral sentiment without physical force.

Political Power (Statism): State authority that compels or threatens to compel subjection through physical force and laws.


Moral power is exercised by all people while political power is limited to a small fraction of citizens. It does most of the work in changing society, while political power often claims undue credit. It influences all aspects of life, while political power focuses on laws and punishment. It includes religion, education, literature, arts, sciences, music, women's influence, and voluntary associations. It acts independently and precedes political power in initiating change. It is more flexible and not restricted by formal processes. It often operates at its own expense and without fanfare. It tends to purify and ennoble its adherents, while political power corrupts. It often works despite opposition and persecution from political power, only to later be accepted.

“If you lose all respect for the rights of others, and with it your own self-respect, if you lose your own sense of right and fairness, if you lose your belief in liberty; and with it the sense of your own worth and true rank, if you lose your own will and self-guidance and control over your own lives and actions, what can all the buying and trafficking, what can all the gifts of politicians give you in return?... That moral sense whose supremacy will make society harmonious and government unnecessary is the same moral sense which will then make each man assert his freedom even to the extent of ignoring the State—is the same moral sense which, by deterring the majority from coercing the minority, will eventually render government impossible. And, as what are merely different manifestations of the same sentiment must bear a constant ratio to each other, the tendency to repudiate governments will increase only at the same rate that governments become needless... As fast as voluntary cooperation is abandoned compulsory cooperation must be substituted. Some kind of organization labour must have; and if it is not that which arises by agreement under free competition, it must be that which is imposed by authority... Pictures of the slave and the tyrant are exhibited to excite its abhorrence; a state of pure freedom is described to it as the one to be loved and hoped for; and it is made sensible of the sacredness of human rights. After men’s minds have been for many years thus exercised and stimulated, a sufficiently intense manifestation of feeling is produced, and then comes the reform. But this feeling, mark, proceeds from that same combination of faculties by which, as we have seen, free institutions are upheld and made practicable. One of these agitations, therefore, is a kind of apprenticeship to the liberties obtained by it. The power to get freedom becomes the measure of the power to use it. The law of social forms is that they shall be expressive of national character; they come into existence bearing its impress; and they live only so long as it supplies them with vitality. Now a general dissatisfaction with old arrangements is a sign that the national character requires better ones.”

— Herbert Spencer, Psychologist

The Roots to Statism Chart

Individual Approaches to Statism

Referenced from Slides 466-472 of Health Revealed:

Scott Gordon


Help the person through their present time problems and upsets until they are doing well. Raise Willingness. Get them to probe deeply for the roots of their traumas and wrongdoings. Cultivate Courage. This can be applied in traditional therapy and 12-steps programs, as well as alternative therapies such as FreeScientology. Most past efforts at self-betterment have left out one of the above two steps.


In my new FreeScientology work, in keeping with pioneers in the field of study such as Thomas Szasz, there is no “mental illness” - except perhaps those physical illness or injury conditions which impact the mind. Rather, there is a progressive interaction of mental mechanisms which make up complexes of varying degrees. These could otherwise seem to behave as an “illness” - although such a concept seems inaccurate or overly generalized in light of observable components that can be isolated which remain unique to each individual and are based on one’s own unique combination of mental mechanisms. 

“Statism” could be seen as a “complex” of mental mechanisms (rationalizations formed to relieve the cognitive dissonance of irrational beliefs, and to justify harmful acts resulting from such beliefs). A therapist would invite close examination of any such commonly held beliefs, and, when finding the person is interested in exploring these further, give the person an opportunity to examine and discharge justifications and reasons for holding such beliefs. This is done in a safe environment in which the person can explore their existence and influence, and assert power of choice over them. Usually the discovery of this moment of adoption of irrational belief comes as a surprise to the person, since these had been relegated to the unconscious mind during whatever traumas and pressures were present when the fixed idea was adopted. These irrational beliefs otherwise remain uninspected until focused inspection is facilitated by direct address to them, or indirectly through a repeating process that brings this material to view - which otherwise was not likely to become available to the conscious mind.


Here is an example of such a process (which could also be journaled “solo”) - WHAT IS RIGHT ABOUT [“Authority Knows Best”]*? OKAY. WHAT IS NOT RIGHT ABOUT [“Authority Knows Best”]? OKAY. - accepting whatever answers and for as long as the process will run, but alert for the moment a person has a realization that, if properly acknowledged and validated, will remain a point of stability for re-asserting personal sovereignty and power of choice in that area of confusion which had developed from past moments of “authority hypnosis” (adopting another’s explanation or belief because the person appears to know better - often done under the duress of confusion or moment of heavy trauma.)
* one can insert any such concept into the [brackets]

Stephanie MoDavis

Health is rooted in coherence. Healing is the process of reclaiming that coherence. First we must accept that we have an inner landscape and and environmental landscape. To heal, we must allow truth, repentance, and wholeness to reorganize and permeate within both aspects. The process tends to naturally unfold once one accepts the invitation to heal.

When dealing with a physical illness, aside from emergency, this is the time to look within as much as treating the physical body. Encourage patients to access their true feelings, (we are all patients, doctors, and healers), of powerlessness and dependence which led into external authority. This process involves deep self-reflection, meditation, repentance, and shadow integration exercises to reclaim personal power. Simultaneously, one must cultivate forgiveness towards the very individuals that have contributed to to fragmentation and disempowerment. This paradoxical act of forgiving that which you hate serves to break the cycle of resentment and victimhood, freeing up vital energy for healing, growth, and empowerment. We must back this up with a true forgiveness and cleansing for our own unconsciousness. This is the beginning of the journey to spiritual self hood, true self awareness, and consciousness.

As inner work progresses, individuals will naturally begin to contribute to a healthier paradigm. By reclaiming personal sovereignty through a relationship with their higher nature, they inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of empowerment. This inner empowerment shift manifests in not just authenticity in the self but also will extend into increased civic engagement, local community building, and the creation of decentralized support systems that reduce reliance on centralized authority and promote health. We heal in healthy relationships that support and emphasize just how resilient we can be.


Leslie Powers


Assess and Treat individuals in the context of “person-in-situation”, mindstate and each person’s unique bio/psycho/social system. Integrate the care of MIND, BODY and SPIRIT. Recognize that nature, including our own body/mind/spirit, is a self healing system that can be promoted or thwarted under certain, determinable conditions. Conditions under which human beings can thrive include preserving individual freedoms through promoting right action as guided by natural law. Looking to nature and living in harmony with nature opens pathways to optimal health. All healing must include addressing the mind as a holistic entity (alignment of mind/body/spirit) that includes our physical and energetic bodies (nervous system).


We are an interconnected species and must rely on each other for overall health and wellness of humanity. What we do or don’t do impacts others. Personal responsibility and care-full treatment of ourselves and others is essential. DO NO HARM is a value to always live by in healthcare. Understanding the threats to health inherent in Statism, guides us to how we may detach from those deleterious influences. Claiming your right to access accurate information, and choose from a variety of treatments to create an individualized holistic treatment plan is vital. Educate yourself and be an active and primary decision maker in your health care.

David Rodriguez

To resolve the problem of government compulsory schools, parents may consider the following: See your child as a born genius who loves learning and developing his/her own mind. Distinguish the different meanings of "education" and "schooling." Empower your child with voluntary learning opportunities, not mandatory assignments. Encourage curiosity and question asking. Accept the mystery of the universe and keep your wonder alive. Understand that learning is always happening. Begin and complete your own learning projects. Demonstrate respectful manners to and with your child. Co-create adventures with your child. Inspire explorations of your local surroundings, especially streets and neighborhoods. Invite your child to observe and participate in your activities, like cooking, cleaning, dancing, conversing, thinking, and analyzing, as you deem fit. Visit museums, grocery stores, book stores, hardware stores, groceries etc. with questions and intentions. Learn about the history and intentions of government schools.

Cory Endrulat

Socratic Method (Larken Rose’s “Candles In The Dark” method), related to the “Health Coaching” approach (simple lines of open-questioning). Forms of Somatherapy, Gestalt Therapy. Radical Honesty (no contradiction in morality, having Principles). Taoist Philosophy (the open-minded wisdom of Zhuangzi, Laozi). Voluntaryism (Philosophical Anarchism) vs Statism (Archonism), Slavery vs Abolitionism (William Lloyd Garrison, Adin Ballou, etc.). Civil Disobedience (Nonviolent Resistance) following the direct action-oriented words of historic figures such as Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi and Henry David Thoreau. Health through Bio-Individuality (Integrative Nutrition). Permaculture and Food Forests for economics, health, environment, survival, etc., also involving counter-economics, alternative energy, better systems. The use of voluntary Religion or a higher-authority (Carl Jung, Osho, Alan Watts). Understand all these processes utilize and encourage freedom. While encouraging this process, we must have love, faith and courage with presence to heal wounds. My own created "Chairman's Experiment" can also be utilized.

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Stephanie MoDavis:

Scott Gordon:

Leslie Powers:

Cory Edmund Endrulat:

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